I just don’t have time...
How often do we tell ourselves that we don’t have time for things? Maybe we want to hit the gym or go on a walk, but we just don’t have the time. Or we might want to spend more time with friends or family, but we’re just too busy. We’re all creatures of habit and if something doesn’t fit into our normal routine, it can be easy to say, “I would, but I just don’t have time.” This is something I hear people say often, and I’ve definitely been known to say it myself.
How is it that some people get so much accomplished in 24 hours, while others never have time? We all have the same amount of time each day, however that doesn’t stop the excuses from rolling in….
That person doesn’t have kids so they have more time than I do….
They only have 1 kid, no way I have the time to do that with my large family….
They don’t have a demanding career like I do, I just don’t have the time….
Any of that sound familiar to you? Since my wife and I started having children I know I’ve used the “Kids” excuse many times….What is it then that allows certain people the ability to get more done throughout the day than others? I’ve realized that it comes down to priorities. If you don’t have time for it, it’s simply because you haven’t made it a priority in your life.
Over the past few months, I’ve learned that getting crystal clear on your priorities in life enables us to find the time to get things done.
If you’re still reading this, I want you to know that I think you’re freaking awesome! I challenge you to think of one thing that you’ve been putting off that you would like to make a priority. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Start with something small and simply commit to doing it today. It’s amazing how once you start and get the momentum train moving, how much simpler it gets in other areas of your life.
Vinny’s Realty Group appreciates all of you very much! We have a goal for April to schedule 10 strategy sessions this month with people who have goals to buy, sell or invest in Real Estate in the next year. With all of the changes going on in the real estate world, it’s more important than ever to get a game plan together and not just wait until you’re “ready to buy” to speak with a professional. Deciding to buy or sell a home is a big decision and those who have a plan are much more confident to commit, once the time comes.
With all that being said, we have 2 requests from you. #1 - Let us know what area in your life you made a commitment to make time for. (We love success stories😊) #2 – Connect us with anyone you can think of that would benefit from scheduling a strategy session with our team.
We look forward to hearing from you!
vinnysrealtygroup@gmail.com • 816.867.0499